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The credentialing platform that unlocks your business potential

Automate credentialing and reduce your workflow management by 80%. Starting moving your company in the right direction without any distractions.

Trusted by leading healthcare organizations daily

  • 69K+Providers on our platform.

  • 500K+Hours of administrative work saved.

  • 102K+Credentials, enrollments and licenses completed.

Credential providers in 1 day and scale faster

Unlock revenue quickly with automated credentialing. Secure delegated agreements and credential providers with our NCQA-certified platform, guaranteeing accurate and fast workflows.

Turn requests into enrollments in less time

Get providers enrolled with payers faster to meet patient demand with fewer write-offs – all while being able to track every step in one place.

Fearlessly grow your business with automation

Scale to meet demand — offload every step of the payer enrollment process, from onboarding to support, and track everything in one place.

Free up provider task time by 250%

Medallion helps you increase retention and revenue with a real-time, transparent and understandable process, without the pain of building it yourself.

Automate repetitive tasks and get 80% of your time back